Due to COVID-19 we are closed until further notice. You can still contact us for class information. We will keep everyone updated on our return date.
In the meantime download "Band" app and search Avola Dance Academy to be added to our page to see your child's class work!
September 2019: Monday 9th & Friday 13th September @ Quaker Meeting House, 1A Jewel Road, E17 4QU. New Timetable.
Tiny Dancer
Homemade hair bows, keyrings and dance gifts
Now available from Reception

Children In Need Week
Monday 12th to Friday 16th November
We raised £140!!

New Term
Monday 10th September
Tuesday 11th September
Friday 14th September

Cheerleading Pom Dance
Starting After May Half Term
Tuesday 4.15-5.15pm
Open to Age 7-11
Tap Dogs Trip
Saturday 10th November 2018
Peacock Theatre
Older Friday Pupils and Parents Only
Tickets £15
New Term Monday 16th April until Friday 25th May
NO Classes Monday 7th May
NO Classes Friday 18th May
Parents please like Avola Dance Academy on Facebook and join our NEW Parents group.
NEW Beginner Ballet, Tap and Freestyle class Friday 4.15pm
New Term Monday 19th February until Tuesday 27th March.
New Term Monday 8th January until Friday 9th February.
Swan Lake trip Wednesday 4th April 2018
Peacock Theatre Holborn
Tickets £16.50 on a first paid basis